Chair Han Winterwerp lives downtown Delft and worked 40 years with Deltares and 25 years at TUDelft, professor fluid mechanics. He is very involved with climate change and climate adaptation through his international experience and his work on restoring mangrove ecosystems using Building with Nature techniques.

Nicki Villars lives in Delft and has worked internationally in water and coastal management for nearly 40 years, the last 30 years at Deltares. Her main expertise is in environmental monitoring and water quality. For several years she was a member of the Water Board of Delfland Now she is focusing on water education and water issues in and around Delft.

Treasurer Hans Nieuwpoort, resident of Delft and living on the edge of the city center of Delft with 40 years of international project management experience at Emerson Electric and retired since 2021. Also active in energy cooperative Deelstroom Delft, 015Duurzaam and co-founder of the Speelgoedbank Delft. Also part of the Members’ Council Rabobank Delft and member of the Advisory Council Energy Transition Rabobank Kring Haaglanden-Leiden.

Stichting Delftse Waterloop